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Re: [writers-648] thinking about spring cleaning or decluttering? got too many books? MASSIVE English book sale planned 3/27 and 3/28

From: Donald N.
Sent on: Monday, January 11, 2010, 11:23 AM
Hi Lauren,

Great idea!  I hope you have great weather and a crowd.

I have about 100 books I would like to get rid of.  Where do I send
them?  It will be three - four postal boxes.  I will not want the
books back so any leftovers can go to BookOff.  Do you want me to put
my initials in the books?


On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 11:18 AM, lauren shannon
<[address removed]> wrote:
> Hello, FYI upcoming Mega-Book-Sale!
> I am organizing a big book sale benefit at THS in Shriokanedai March 27th
> and 28th. This sale will be Consignment style. People bring / send books and
> whatever sells the proceeds are split between seller and THS. This is a
> great time to do some spring cleaning and get some books out there. All
> prices will be fixed, 300 yen paperbacks, 500 yen hardbacks and computer
> books.
> We will start collecting books in advance and do previews on types and what
> is for sale as we send out PR.
> We will mark each Seller's items with their initials so we know who`s is
> Who`s for accounting. Book sale will be 12-8pm both days. Groups could sell
> too so if your group or organization wants to participate let me know.
> afterward the sale we will send remaining books to BookOff unless donors
> come and collect their items.
> THS is an open community lab, studio, workbench, sewing circle, machine
> shop+, where people with common interests in technology, building things,
> gardening, cooking, science, sewing, digital art, gaming+, can find the
> space, the like-minded people, and the infrastructure needed for these
> activities. They are not just project studios, but places where people can
> get together and make interesting projects, cook, hang out, have barbecues,
> and watch anime. The Tokyo HackerSpace initiative was created from
> discussions at TokyoBarCamp 2009. It's a collective made up of programmers,
> engineers, IT administrators, artists, chefs, musicians, and people
> interested in geek culture. The goal of the group is to converge technology,
> arts, crafts, and music. If you are interested please let me know.
> If you are interested in sending books for the sale please contact me for
> specific details. I will send mailing address and other information.
> If you can help out for the sale also let me know.
> Sincerely,
> Lauren Shannon
> --
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