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job opening in NYC to post please

From: user 3.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 26, 2012, 12:51 PM

Our client is an international consultancy with an expanding presence
in the US. We are looking for an exceptional Agile Coach to join their

They have an opening for a full time Principle Agile Coach. Your first
assignment will be in the NY/NJ Metro area. The project is underway
and has been successful. You will bring a strong understanding of
Agile practices and a coaching style that is consultative and
supportive. Your teams will consist of new and veteran mid level
systems administrators and developers supporting a back/mid office
asset management (mainframe) system. You will be tasked to lead the
transformation of the development teams (30 already in agile teams -
50+ not yet in teams) have been organized. The team responds well to a
coach who has experience in the subject area and is practical in
his/her approach.

The successful candidate will have 3-5 years of solid coaching
experience, flexibility to wear different hats as needed (Scrum
Master/Coach/etc). Financial background and/or experience is required
for this position.

This is a full time position with our client and comes with
competetive salary, benefits and bonus eligibility.

Please reply to jtodd @ downtownrecruiting . com for immediate consideration.

Much thanks!  If I should have figured out how to do this myself,
please let me know!

John Todd
Downtown Recruiting Inc
580 Harrison Avenue, Suite 404
Boston, MA 02118
f:  [masked]
[address removed]

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