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From: user 1.
Sent on: Tuesday, July 31, 2012, 11:11 AM

Priceline is once again transforming the way travel is booked online. Whether it is our now famous “Name Your Own Price” feature, our award winning mobile apps, or our newest “Express Deals”, Priceline has always led the way!


How have we done it? What’s our “secret sauce”? You can chalk Priceline’s success and growth up to its incredible team of over 5700 people, comprising of a diverse set of cultures, backgrounds and points-of-view.


Here’s your chance to join our incredible team. Priceline is looking for top notch Mobile Developers, web developers and web designers to join us as we continue to revolutionize the online travel industry.


We’re looking for people who are passionate and driven by developing the best online and mobile experience in the world. Our work is on display for the whole world to see. We take pride in it, and we want our employees to as well.


So, if you think you have what it takes to join our team, we’d love to hear from you. Positions are located in our Norwalk, CT office. If the city life is more your speed, we also have positions open in our new, high-tech office in downtown NYC.


What are you waiting for? Apply today at [][/url]


Chris Mariani

Senior Recruiter


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