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New Meetup: Mind, Meditation & Yoga

From: madhavi
Sent on: Thursday, June 3, 2010, 11:21 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Yoga of Breath!

What: Mind, Meditation & Yoga

Sunday, June 6,[masked]:30 PM

Art of Living Center
2370A Walsh Ave
Santa Clara, CA 95051

Yoga is the union of body, mind and spirit. It brings harmony in these elements to help reduce stress.

You are invited to the special session on Yoga as part of the Mind Body Wellness series.

Please note this session is open for people with any or no experience of yoga.

Session contents:
1. Simple, yet powerful yoga postures.
2. Rejuvenating breathing techniques.
3. Experience Guided Meditation.
4. Take Home practices.

Reported Benefits:
1. Improves flexibility and health.
2. Relaxes the Mind
3. Reduce Stress
4. Enhance focus and concentration.

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