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Yappy Hour at the Kitano Hotel Garden Cafe- August 15

From: Erika
Sent on: Tuesday, August 9, 2011, 3:55 PM

Hi, Yorkie Lovers!

The Kitano Hotel is going to the dogs on Monday, August 15 for yappy hour from 6 to 8 pm!

Come for complimentary human appetizers, doggy treats, and $5 beer and wine specials.

This is a great opportunity to meet with fellow doggy lovers.

RSVP here:



Kitano Hotel

Garden Cafe on the north side of the hotel

66 Park Avenue at East 38th Street

(This event is weather permitting.)


And there may be a few surprises . . .  hope to see some of you there!


Erika, Ginger, and Cubby




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