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New Meetup: Leroy Thomas and the Zydeco Road Runners Live @ Riley's

From: Greg
Sent on: Thursday, April 8, 2010, 12:05 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Cajun/Zydeco - San Diego Meetup Group!

What: Leroy Thomas and the Zydeco Road Runners Live @ Riley's

When: Saturday, May 22,[masked]:00 PM

Club Riley's Music Lounge
2901 Nimitz Blvd.
Point Loma , CA 92106

Leroy Thomas and the Zydeco Road Runners CD Release Party!!

Come out and check out Leroy Thomas straight from Louisiana!!! Leroy is one of the more energetic players who still travel around the country sharing their talents.

Leroy will be giving away several of his new CD's just released.

5:00pm-8:00pm Band Plays

Special $15 cover to support the band as it isn't cheap to travel all around the country sharing their talents!!!

Learn more here:

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