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What we’re about

何のために私は生まれて、何のために今の私をしているのかしら。仕事をしたり、結婚をしたり、家庭を築いたり、そしてやがては老いて死んでいくのかしら。本当の人生の意味って何なのかしら。どうしていつまでたっても世の中には戦争や争いが絶えないのかしら。男と女って何なのかしら。どうしてあの人が私の親なのかしら。どうして私には運がないのかしら。どうして自分や人を好きになれないのかしら。愛って何なのかしら。これからの世界はどうなってしまうのかしら。本当の私とはいったい何なのかしら。他人の評価やどうでもいい価値観に縛られて、結局は肉体を養うためにほとんどの労力と時間を費やして、本当の自分不在でゾンビのように生きること、もうやめにしませんか。新しい自分になりたい! そんなあなたと一緒に真の自己発見を目指す会です。

I wonder... why I was born and why I am living my life, doing my work, marriage, having a family, and eventually become aged and die... what is the real life? I wonder why wars and fights last in the world forever? I wonder why man and woman exist? I wonder why she and he is my parent? I wonder why I have no luck? I wonder why I do not like myself or cannot love anyone? I wonder what is the meaning of love? I wonder what will happen to the future world? What is real myself? Why don't we stop living like zombies without our true selves, spending most of our energy and time to feed our physical bodies, bound by other people's evaluations and unimportant values? I want to be the new me! This is a group that aims for true self discovery.

At our meeting, we will study about PARADIGM REVOLUTION(abbreviated as PARAREVO), a completely new framework of theory beyond religion and ideology created and dispatching from Japan, and the know-how of self-discovery by discussion style.
Sometimes gathering with a small group and sometimes meeting with a whole group at a cafe for coffee somewhere in Tokyo / Kanagawa according to the needs of the members.
Anyway, anyone who wants to know the true life, who wants to change yourself and make friends with the same worry can participate. If you speak English or Japanese, feel free to join us!
There are no basic membership fees, just the actual expenses to pay your own drink.

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