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New Meetup - Hello Orange County + Summer Tunes Exclusive Preview

From: user 1.
Sent on: Tuesday, July 9, 2013, 9:59 AM

Hi 106'ers,

Our summer drinkubator meetup mashup is next week. This time we're in Orange County.

C'mon down to Tapas by John Wayne Airport in OC for awesome tapas, tasty sangrias, demos & conversations with Orange County's combined communities of innovators, geeks, founders and startup folks.

The highlight of this event is the opportunity to be inspired by some companies from OC and surrounding metropolitan areas, comprised of your peers, showcasing software & hardware products in the mobile, web, green, social entrepreneurship, M2M & robotics spaces.

As an added bonus, 106 Miles Co-founders Adam Rifkin and Joyce Park are in town from NorCal. Come meet them and learn about current trends in and around Silicon Valley.

Here is a partial list of showcasing companies:

Aaron Thomen has many interests including microelectronics and mechanical engineering.  He is always questioning the limits of possibility, which is why he set out to build a capable robotic hand for as little money as possible.  He used parts from the hardware store and ordinary hand tools to build a robotic hand with strength and dexterity, for less than $200.

Here is an article / video of the project by Mashable:

and one on Hack A Day:


In 2010, we surpassed 1 billion cars in operation on earth. 
Replacing windshield wipers  on those cars amounts to 1,000,000,000 pounds of waste heading to the landfills around the globe. As well, the excessive amounts ofenergy and materials to manufacture these wipers needs to be explored.

Imagine a simple Green solution that breaks this cycle of waste. This new device called WiperSwyper refreshes windshield wiper blades to provide environmental benefits on many levels.

Sourced and manufactured locally for a low carbon footprint, it is made from recycled material, and is specially designed for postal delivery without plastic packaging. Being fast and easy to use, this device provides an enticing option to shift some of our paradigms, and slow the vicious cycle of waste in order to better protect our environment.


The cover story of June's Wired Magazine states: "In our houses, cars,and factories, we’re surrounded by tiny, intelligent devices that capture data about how we live and what we do. Now they are beginning to talk to one another. Soon we’ll be able to choreograph them to respond to our needs, solve our problems, even save our lives."

See the 'Internet of Things' in action as Oval Integration brings theircontest entry that took them into the Top Ten of the worldwide 2013(IPSO) Internet Protocol Smart Object Challenge.


More showcasing companies coming soon. . .

Co-hosted by the good folks at EdtricFastStart EventsOC Hackerz,OCTechStartupROCSOGE (Society of Glass Explorers, Startup OCand Worklab cc

More details here:

And, while at it, an exclusive 106 Miles SoCal member preview to an awesome tune for the summer to accompany that tasty beverage. Give it a listen and pass along. Courtesy of our good friend and fellow 106Miles frequent flier Patrick Koppula.

See you all next week.

our best,

The 106 Miles Crew





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