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Things to do this spring

From: Walter
Sent on: Saturday, March 23, 2013, 11:39 PM

Hi Global Citizens,

finally, spring is back! How are you planning to celebratre it?

Maybe we could take a leasurely hike on the trails of Albion Hills, located just 45 minutes north of Toronto, or take a scenic walk on one of Toronto's waterfront parks, or even get out on the water and learn how to kayak or canoe, while enjoying the beautiful scenery and wildlife surrounding the Humber River.

I hope you will join us for one of the following outdoor activities: 


1) SPRING HIKE: Albion Hills Conservation Area

Sunday, Apr. 7 at 9:45 AM - Learn more HERE

2)  URBAN HIKE: Tommy Thompson Park

Saturday, Apr. 20 at 10:15 AM - Learn more HERE

3) Learn to Kayak or Canoe - HUMBER RIVER Adventure

Sunday, Apr. 28 at 12:45 PM - Learn more HERE


Ciao for now,




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