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Notification: 3D Hubs San Diego holiday party @ Robo3D

From: eric s.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 16, 2015, 11:17 AM

Greetings everyone, Just wanted to make sure everyone is aware, Robo3d is hosting the local 3DHubs community holiday party.  For more information visit:

Interested in meeting with other local 3d printing people?  how about what Robo3D is up to? Then 3D Hubs Robo 3D Holiday Party is the place to be!

Bring some friends and family and lets celebrate this time of the year in a nice cold 3D printing evening on the 18th of December! There will also be a presentation on what 3D Hubs has been doing so far and some insights about this awesome industry :)

This event is free and open to the public!






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