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Intel IoT Roadshows Hackathon - NY edition

From: Silviu M.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 17, 2014, 8:13 PM
Dear makers,

Intel® is hitting the road for the IoT Roadshows series and NY is the third stop on their trip! It's all hands on deck at this exciting hackathon because Intel® will be giving the first 100 participants who check-in at the event on Saturday morning a free Intel® IoT Development Kit. 

This kit includes an Intel® Galileo Boarda suite of sensors, and the new Intel ® Edison Board. Come learn how to use the dev kit, form a team, and hack away. The board includes lots of cool sensors, software and accessories to stimulate your creativity. Free event: food, drinks, several challenges so you can go home with a Basis Watch and $$ prizes for the hackathon winners! 

All kicking off at Huge Inc, 45 Main St, Suite 220, Brooklyn, NY on Saturday, October 25th at 9am. 

Make sure to register before we sell out!



[address removed]

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