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What we’re about

We are a small group (due to location and choice) of wilderness advocates that are very connected to nature. We follow in the footsteps of John Muir, and dream of living alongside a remote mountain lake. Many of us hunt, fish, and gather, for food, not trophies, and we have a great respect for the earth. We are not into Western religions, but we are a very laid back, accepting group. We enjoy small groups and long wilderness treks into remote hot-springs, mountain lakes, and hunting and fishing locations. We like to sleep on the ground, and this means a great deal to us. We are also especially welcoming to others who have always wanted to backpack, but didn't have anyone to show them how to do it comfortably. Watch Into the Wild, listen to the soundtrack, read Desert Solitaire, get inspired, come find a lifelong friend that shares your passions for the outdoors.