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Dark Legacy - JFK and 9-11 - Update

From: jonathan m.
Sent on: Wednesday, July 25, 2012, 10:38 AM
Flyby News
Editor - Jonathan Mark
25 July, 2012

"Today, every inhabitant of this planet must contemplate
the day when this planet may no longer be habitable.
Every man, woman, and child lives under a nuclear
sword of Damocles, hanging by the slenderest of
threads, capable of being cut at any moment
by accident or miscalculation or madness."

- John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Dark Legacy - JFK and 9-11 is a 2012 video production by Flyby News. It uses an array of films and music in a sequence that could help break the spell of mind control for many. The two-part program has a running time of just under two and a half hours. It is available to watch online or you can order (with no money down) for the DVD through the 9/11 Truth DVD Project. The film tackles the issue that 9-11 could never have taken place unless other coup d?etat and cover-ups happened first. Part 2 includes the first 18 minutes of John Hankey?s film, Dark Legacy: George Bush and the Murder of John F. Kennedy. Part 1 has a running time of 56 minutes and comes through rapidly and gradually at the same time. Part 2 also covers the Federal Reserve, lunar lunacy missions, Steppenwolf's classic, Monster, and information on the National Citizen's Initiative for Democracy. This film has been formatted for broadcasting on public access television stations. Flyby News' fair use policy is posted near the bottom at . May truth set us free.. for without truth there is no justice, and without justice there will be no peace.

"Marcus Cicero, over 2000 years ago, defined freedom
as participation in power. If you don't participate in power,
you are not free. Whoever has the power owns you. If you
want to be free you have to participate in power.."

- U.S. Senator Mike Gravel

For additional quotations and poems, visit:
Life Rhythms poetry blog with Jonathan Mark


19 July 2012 - ICH - Patrick Seale
What Is Really Happening in Syria?

13 July 2012 - The Guardian - ICH
The Syrian Opposition:
Who's Doing The Talking?

07 June 2009 - Nature - Common Dreams
Earth Facing Imminent 'Tipping Point'

Humankind is facing the threat of extinction,
according to new research released recently by
the science journal Nature. The article is entitled,
"Approaching a state shift in Earth's biosphere"

03 July 2012 - Truthdig - Amy Goodman
Climate Change: 'This Is Just the Beginning'
FN's updated resource page:
Energy Pollution's Impact On Environment

16 July 2012 - Democracy Now - Greg Muttit
"Fuel on the Fire" On Oil and Politics
in Occupied Iraq and in the Arab Spring

03 June 2012 - Global Research - Prof. James F. Tracy
Police State USA: The Paranoid
Style of American Governance

The Freedom Archives - A Video Documentary

18 April 2012 - Flyby News - Jonathan Mark
Apocalypse and lifting of veil - JFK & 9-11

2012 - Truthquake Radio - Robert Barron
Interview, Jonathan Mark, a flyby perspective

May-July, 2012 - AE911truth - Richard Gage
9/11: Explosive Evidence
Experts Speak Out
Final Edition

29 February 2012 - Flyby News - Jonathan Mark
Controlled Opposition * 9-11 Truth Attacks

In first 3 minutes, watch
9/11 - WTC-7 - Exposed!

"In times of universal deceit, telling
the truth will be a revolutionary act."

-- George Orwell
[Eric Arthur Blair]
[masked]) British author

For additional quotations and poems, visit:
Life Rhythms poetry blog with Jonathan Mark

The views expressed herein are writers' own and not necessarily of Flyby News.
Fair Use Policy that describes use of copyrighted material is at
Feedback for story suggestions and networking Flyby News is appreciated.
You can write to the editor by email: FlybyNews (at} hughes {dot) net

Flyby News is educational and nonviolent in focus,
and has supported critical campaigns for a healthy
environment, human rights, justice, and nonviolence,
since the launch of NASA's Cassini space probe in 1997.

News Fit to Transmit in the Post Cassini Flyby Era

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