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BBQ, Spirits, Cigars, Games and so much fun

From: Member ID: # 2.
Sent on: Sunday, June 12, 2016, 9:36 PM

We are planning a great upcoming event for TOV, stay tuned for details.

In the mean time, here's a GJS event you may have an interest in, feel free to share.

So many of you have been asking when we'll do the follow up to the last pairing from the spirits we brought back from Wis. and now some more.


IT'S TIME!!!!!

Here are the details.

It will be a BBQ. We will have hamburgers, hot dogs, hot Italian sausage, buns and all the condiments.

Please bring (the potluck part) salads, chips, dips, veggies, beans, fruit, your specialty, snacks and ? Please make a note of what you're bringing in the comments for the event. Oh the tasty things we'll experience.

There will be a cold refreshing adult punch for everybody to enjoy(a huge hit last time).

We'll organize a Bocce ball game/tournament with a championship trophy to the winning team.

We have other games we are working on. It's gonna be so much fun.

Everybody will receive 2 cigars, one very nice cigar and one premium cigar of their choice of several brands(retail about $15-$22).

The spirit sampling will consist of: Triple Distilled Irish Whiskey(this is worth the whole package alone), Horchata Liqueur-Finest Caribbean Rum, 15 yr aged Rum we just brought back from the Dominican Republic(this is by far the best Rum I have ever tasted), Blumers Moonshine, Blumers Moonshine-apple pie(it's a desert in a glass), Titanium Vodka(it's 10 times distilled(most are 3-5), never have I have such a smooth vodka), Bonjour French Vodka, a very smooth Gin and a Raspberry Vodka. Last time we were told we went over the top. This will make that look like a starter kit.

Don't miss out.

Limit is 30, tell your friends and feel free to share.

It's only $25( we have to cover some of our costs) and you must RSVP.

We will be at a private house, as always please respect the property. We have never had an issue and I thank all of you for that.

This place is amazing. Lot's of yard space, a double tiered deck, lot's of shade, open space, beautiful setting as the sun goes down, a gazebo, some great yard art work-it is a must see. Thank you Cindy for hosting. The address will go out the morning of the event to those that have RSVP'd and commented on what they're bringing.

We hope to see you there.


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