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Learn the Spiritual Reading/Healing We Offer at Healing Clinic

From: Yasuko K.
Sent on: Sunday, June 30, 2013, 6:24 PM

For the next four Monday evenings from 8 – 9:30 pm, CRS Healer Katherine Abegg will offer a drop-in introductory course teaching how we practice Spiritual Reading & Healing during the Healing Clinics we offer. If you ever wondered how it works and how you can become a healer yourself, now is a perfect time to learn!

Guided by the principles outlined in A Course In Miracles (ACIM), this 90 minute class will focus on meditation work and using the principles of ACIM to connect with our classmates on a spiritual level. Each class will include a lot of partner work. You will leave with clear tips on how to carry this practice into your daily life as well.

Our primary goal of this class is that all of the students can listen to the guidance of Holy Spirit and bring the experience of certainty and peace to all the events of their life. Slowly, you will re-train your eyes to see the world around you without judgment. You will learn to communicate with your holy spirit. Once you learn this, you will be able to request and receive guidance whenever you need it or would like to offer it to others!

This class is appropriate for beginners and for advanced students. It's kind of like going to gym — no matter your fitness level, practice is the key to growth.

I can say from my own personal experience that I never feel so peaceful, abundance, joyful and alive as when I practice connecting with spirit. It is truly a beautiful miracle, and available to everyone!

Mondays, 7/1 – 7/22, 2013 from 8 - 9:30 pm
Led by CRS Healer and Spiritual Counselor Katherine Abegg
$20/class (class cards may be used)
See more at:



Christopher Pelham
CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing)
123 4th Ave, 2nd FL
New York, NY  10003

CRS is an arts & healing center located between 12th & 13th streets, above Think Coffee.



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