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ACIM Guided Meditation Schedule While Yasuko is Away

From: Christopher P.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 30, 2013, 8:27 PM

Dear Meditators,

It is my privilege to guide the meditation next Tuesday, Nov 5. I believe Makiko will guide the week after that. Yasuko will be back to lead again starting Nov 26.

In the few times that I have led the meditation so far, I have made it up in the moment, attempting to allow the moment to guide me. I usually have in mind the ACIM Workbook Lesson that I am working on that day. I find that the lessons often unlock something in my mind, allowing for some unexpected inspiration to enter. What comes is often surprising. So, let us simply join together in setting an intention to open our hearts to love and enjoy what peace may bring!


Christopher Pelham
ACIM Healer & Director of CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing)

PS While I am writing to you, I'd like to invite you to our annual Holiday Program and Dinner/Reception on Saturday, Dec. 14. Details are below!


The CRS Healers and Staff invite you to join us in ringing in the holidays on the evening of Saturday, December 14, 2013 between 6 – 10 pm!

From 6 – 7 pm we'll be treated to a short concert by world-renowned marimba player Midori Ichikawa followed by a short conversation between CRS founder Yasuko Kasaki and artist/healer Yokko "Baldy." From 7 pm we'll feast on a delightful buffet dinner by Masuki, with dessert and wine reception (featuring sustainably produced wines from local wineries) served from 8:30 – 10 pm.

Tickets for the program and dinner are $30 and must be purchased in advance (Dec 8 is the last day to buy yours). You are welcome to bring your children under age 18 without purchasing a ticket, and you may also attend just the 8:30 – 10 pm reception without a ticket ($15 admission at the door, cash only).

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