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Re: [graphicdesign-38] Planning a big weekend picnic-type thing- PLEASE respond!

From: Jim M.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 5, 2009, 10:21 PM
Hello Group:

I like the idea of this "3 group gathering" too!
I would be glad to help.
A few comments...

We might get better attendance/commitment further out (June),
but I'm flexible too.

I can't add anything (yet), for a location.
I'll think about it.

I agree with Scott. Keep it simple, no movie, 
maybe a few games, if there is enough interest.
I think most people will want to socialize/network.

Jim Milbourne

ps - we may not even want to cook out...
(just bring food made at home, or purchased)
that can create a lot of extra work... and 
bad feelings if some people get stuck 
doing all the cooking...while others do all 
the socializing.
Not trying to be negative, but this is an 
experience I've had before.
: )

On May 5, 2009, at 3:52 PM, Scott Deems wrote:

1. What day of week would be best for this? Friday, Saturday, Sunday? Lunchtime, afternoon, early evening? Is there a weekend in May that's good for you? Would you rather look at June?
My schedule is flexible. 

2. Does anyone have any suggestions about a place we can do this? A park or something? Preferably one I don't have to pay to reserve, or at least not pay a lot?
Sorry, I can offer no help here as I am somewhat new to this city. We play soccer on Sunday at Rosewood Park on the east side, and it is not usually crowded. 
It has a grill and a nice pavilion, but not sure if there is a rental fee. Let me know if this is a possibility, and I could ask the soccer organizer how much they paid for the rental when they had their tourney there last month. There is a map to the park within this link:

3. Do you have any ideas or suggestions about what we can do for this party, and would you be willing to help?
Let me know what you would need, and I will help where I can. If this is to be a potluck, I suggest coming up with a menu, including serving utensils, and have a signup sheet, so you know you'll have everything covered. In my opinion, a film is ambitious. People will want to stay and socialize with everyone, and the film will prohibit that. Just my opinion!


Scott M Deems
Basement Light Design
Fine design and publication management
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
1406 Green Forest Drive
Austin, Texas 78745
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