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RE: [dnd-6] Shadowrun 3d Wants you...

From: user 2.
Sent on: Sunday, December 21, 2008, 11:01 AM
So here is the list:
1. Justin - shaman conjurer
2. Ben - Rigger
3. Christopher - Merc? (Can't remember *blushes*)
4. Christian - Street Sam
5. Mike - ?
6. Jeff - Street Sam
This leaves us with two slots open.  I have not heard from our full Shaman nor our Decker. That would make eight and close the group. If I don't hear from them, I will have to see if I could find another person to play a magic user.  I could always make the Decker an NPC.    Now that gas is cheap (YAY), I would not mind traveling a little further run the game.  Didn't someone say that they live in Five Points?  This would give us a bigger space, and we could game past 8 pm if all of us agreed to stay longer.
~ Anissa
-----Original Message-----
From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]]On Behalf Of Justin David Margulski
Sent: Sunday, December 21,[masked]:01 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [dnd-6] Shadowrun 3d Wants you...

Oh, I'm definitely playing then.  Leaving a RPG group in the middle of an adventure is like leaving a band in the middle of a song.  Besides every Shadowrun group needs a devious bastard with too much charisma, attendant spirits, and explosives.  Isn't devious bastard with explosives one of the core archtypes, like street samurai, rigger, shaman, or decker?

From: Anissa <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2008 12:43:56 PM
Subject: RE: [dnd-6] Shadowrun 3d Wants you...

Nope. Nope. 
I am starting the last scenario from the beginning.  The characters will remain the same unless you guys want to change your characters.
-----Original Message-----
From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]]On Behalf Of Benjamin Brown
Sent: Friday, December 19,[masked]:06 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [dnd-6] Shadowrun 3d Wants you...

Hey Anissa,

When you say starting over, does that mean our characters start with their original skills only? I can understand if I can't have the equipment/vechicles/cash I nabbed, but I was kind of enjoying molding my character into a possible artillery support specialist, and aside from the way we did it before, I don't see an excuse to RP him learning it again - even WITH my pirate contact, he'd need a reason to want to train for it.

On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 3:17 PM, Justin David Margulski <[address removed]> wrote:
I guess so.

On one hand, Shadowrun is a complicated game.
On the other hand, Anissa is a really good GM.
But on the first hand, NPCs talked to each other a lot, rather than talking to the PCs.  I felt like a lot was arranged for us that we could have arranged ourselves.
And maybe I'm done with that character.  I mean, if we're starting over from the beginning, maybe I should play someone who the party actually needs rather than someone who an on-line friend dared me to play.

We'll talk.


From: Anissa <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 11:57:52 AM
Subject: [dnd-6] Shadowrun 3d Wants you...

In January, I will be starting the campaign up from the beginning.  I hope all of you will be able to attend.  I am going to request the time off.  They changed managers in my store; so, I do not see any reason that I would not be given the days off. 
The last managers were not granting requests for any reason no matter how far in advance you asked for them.  I hope that the new manager will work with me.  She seems like a good person.
The dates that I am shooting for are the third and fifth Saturdays of Jan.  The dates are as follows:
I will be needing the following characters:
Rigger (Ben)
Shaman and her partner in crime. (lol)
Chris' Character
And a couple of others that can be either muscle, magic or both.
I can run up to six comfortably, seven will make things very interesting.
The reason I have not put this on the meet-up calendar is because I don't want to commit to a date on the calendar and then find out that I cannot get the days off.  As soon as I know that I have the days off, I will the date(s) on the calendar.
~ Anissa

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