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RE: [dnd-6] Shadowrun 3d Wants you...

From: user 2.
Sent on: Sunday, December 21, 2008, 1:50 PM
You need to have them generated before the game.  I run in a home-brewed mod that I created.  You can find all the guidelines for creating a character in the files section of the meet-up group.  It is simply Titled "Shadowrun Character".  The home brewed mod is titled "United Seminole Nation".  You have to stipulate whether you are from another part of the US or what sector of the USN you are from.  This will determine what Street Etiquette I give you for the sector that you are living in.
-----Original Message-----
From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]]On Behalf Of Christian
Sent: Sunday, December 21,[masked]:15 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: RE: [dnd-6] Shadowrun 3d Wants you...

Sorry if I missed this before -- do we need to have our characters generated before the game, or are there characters waiting, or what. Don't want to guess wrong and have everyone waiting for me or to spend all this time doing one from scratch just to toss him :)

From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Anissa
Sent: Sunday, December 21,[masked]:01 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: RE: [dnd-6] Shadowrun 3d Wants you...

So here is the list:
1. Justin - shaman conjurer
2. Ben - Rigger
3. Christopher - Merc? (Can't remember *blushes*)
4. Christian - Street Sam
5. Mike - ?
6. Jeff - Street Sam
This leaves us with two slots open.  I have not heard from our full Shaman nor our Decker. That would make eight and close the group. If I don't hear from them, I will have to see if I could find another person to play a magic user.  I could always make the Decker an NPC.    Now that gas is cheap (YAY), I would not mind traveling a little further run the game.  Didn't someone say that they live in Five Points?  This would give us a bigger space, and we could game past 8 pm if all of us agreed to stay longer.
~ Anissa
-----Original Message-----
From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]]On Behalf Of Justin David Margulski
Sent: Sunday, December 21,[masked]:01 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [dnd-6] Shadowrun 3d Wants you...

Oh, I'm definitely playing then.  Leaving a RPG group in the middle of an adventure is like leaving a band in the middle of a song.  Besides every Shadowrun group needs a devious bastard with too much charisma, attendant spirits, and explosives.  Isn't devious bastard with explosives one of the core archtypes, like street samurai, rigger, shaman, or decker?

From: Anissa <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2008 12:43:56 PM
Subject: RE: [dnd-6] Shadowrun 3d Wants you...

Nope. Nope. 
I am starting the last scenario from the beginning.  The characters will remain the same unless you guys want to change your characters.
-----Original Message-----
From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]]On Behalf Of Benjamin Brown
Sent: Friday, December 19,[masked]:06 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [dnd-6] Shadowrun 3d Wants you...

Hey Anissa,

When you say starting over, does that mean our characters start with their original skills only? I can understand if I can't have the equipment/vechicles/cash I nabbed, but I was kind of enjoying molding my character into a possible artillery support specialist, and aside from the way we did it before, I don't see an excuse to RP him learning it again - even WITH my pirate contact, he'd need a reason to want to train for it.

On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 3:17 PM, Justin David Margulski <[address removed]> wrote:
I guess so.

On one hand, Shadowrun is a complicated game.
On the other hand, Anissa is a really good GM.
But on the first hand, NPCs talked to each other a lot, rather than talking to the PCs.  I felt like a lot was arranged for us that we could have arranged ourselves.
And maybe I'm done with that character.  I mean, if we're starting over from the beginning, maybe I should play someone who the party actually needs rather than someone who an on-line friend dared me to play.

We'll talk.


From: Anissa <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 11:57:52 AM
Subject: [dnd-6] Shadowrun 3d Wants you...

In January, I will be starting the campaign up from the beginning.  I hope all of you will be able to attend.  I am going to request the time off.  They changed managers in my store; so, I do not see any reason that I would not be given the days off. 
The last managers were not granting requests for any reason no matter how far in advance you asked for them.  I hope that the new manager will work with me.  She seems like a good person.
The dates that I am shooting for are the third and fifth Saturdays of Jan.  The dates are as follows:
I will be needing the following characters:
Rigger (Ben)
Shaman and her partner in crime. (lol)
Chris' Character
And a couple of others that can be either muscle, magic or both.
I can run up to six comfortably, seven will make things very interesting.
The reason I have not put this on the meet-up calendar is because I don't want to commit to a date on the calendar and then find out that I cannot get the days off.  As soon as I know that I have the days off, I will the date(s) on the calendar.
~ Anissa

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