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Re: [AGGuild] Atlanta Gamer's Guild!

From: ᴡᴡᴡ.ᴡᴡᴡ
Sent on: Sunday, August 2, 2015, 3:38 PM
There are many games going on in the area. Lots of d&d type as well as other flavors. I usually run or play in pathfinder society games. There are several comic/game stores in the area with several games going on in the back. Check the meetup calendars for what's going on. Many of the game stores have a board for posting home groups but mostly this and other meetups are your best bet. I like PFS since you can join a game at any time and don’t need to worry about missing a week or more.

If you have a specific system you'd like to host and are looking for a perm group, posting what you are looking for here would be a good place.


Sent from Surface

From: Doug K
Sent: ‎Sunday‎, ‎August‎ ‎2‎, ‎2015 ‎3‎:‎27‎ ‎PM
To: [address removed]

Hello Atlanta Gamer's Guild!    I just moved to the North Atlanta Area (Up near Cumming GA) from St. Louis.  Been tabletop gaming for the last 15 years or so and looking for a regular group! Can anyone point me in the direction of a group looking for a regular member.  Interested in playing or running just about anything.   Happy to travel around the Atlanta area and generally pretty flexible with time.   

Ran a starwars game for about 10 years... Ran an old school D&D game for about 5 off and on and played both.   Looking to try something new? (Or old) we ran this game for years similar to D&D called Dragon Quest. This is an old d100 system from the 80s (I think) but got massively revamped by a group of hard core gamers into a pretty fantastic game.  Willing to learn, play or run.  Drop me a line if you know of anyone looking or have good advice for getting connected in a regular game!      Doug.   

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