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Re: [Bicycle-Touring-Boston] The first BTB meetup!

From: Allen F.
Sent on: Saturday, January 26, 2013, 11:50 AM
I am very excited about this first meeting and hope the work schedule doesn't get in the way of my wife and I attending.

I do agree that there should be some structure and direction to the meeting. Especially for the first meeting, it seems like we should try to get an idea of what it is people are hoping to get from the group.

We have a good bit of touring experience but there is always more to learn and new ideas for touring destinations to garner from others. I am an introvert and not much for speaking in public, but I/we could subject ourselves to a Q&A session about any of our tours if desired. 

My wife Jodi and I met on an end-to-end (Land's End to John o'Groats) tour in Britain in 2000. Since them we've toured somewhere every year. Some of the highlights were Ireland in 2003, Tanzania in 2006 (that was our honeymoon trip), and Israel in 2011. In between we've cycled around Lake Ontario and Lake Erie, around the Bay of Fundy, from Boston to D.C., and a few others.

Allen F. Freeman
[address removed]

Instead of armed guards in every school, how about a teacher in every gun shop?

On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 8:48 PM, Paul Gareau <[address removed]> wrote:

Hi all!

Wow, almost 100 members already and 36 people have signed up for the first event. I'd ask that everyone RSVP as soon as possible if they can attend and change their RSVP to "No" if they can't. I'm working with a bar near Faneuil Hall that will provide us with a room, bar and free food, but I need to give them a headcount that's as accurate as possible. Thanks!

I also want to get some ideas of what people are looking for from the first event. What I have in mind would be about 30 minutes of socializing, then an hour or more of either quick talks given by a few members (any volunteers?) and/or some Q and A time where more experienced travelers can answer questions from the rest of the group. Feel free to respond with your own ideas (and remember that when you reply to this email, everyone in the group will see it!).

To help get everyone motivated, I've created a photo album where I've posted some of my favorite pics from my own tours and everyone else is encouraged to pick a handful of their favorites and post those as well. The album can be found here:
You should see an "Add photos" link near the top of the page.

Thanks again, and I'll see you all soon.


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