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What we’re about

Please check this space for Accessibility Web + WordPress events in 2023.

We’ve heard you loud and clear: You are enthusiastic about making the websites and the internet more accessible, but not sure where to start. What exactly are you supposed to be doing for your WordPress website and other web and internet content to make them more accessible?

We can help. And by we, we mean all of us together, not just we organizers.

Welcome to our format for our 2-hour Saturday Meetup events. The first half is an Accessibility educator or luminary sharing a topic. The second half is time for experiential, interactive learning, where you can immediately apply new knowledge -- by yourself on your website, or on a team with others on a practice site. Let’s get interactive!

=== NOTE: Until further notice, meetings will continue to be online/virtual. ===

Welcome to our Accessibility Web + WordPress Meetup!

Here we talk about all things Accessibility, for websites, social media, and other online platforms (but mostly for websites, and mostly WordPress websites).

We are designers, developers, marketers, small business owners, with web accessibility knowledge ranging from beginner to seasoned specialist.

We as co-founders came together and met many in this community through our use of WordPress, and love learning about how to make WordPress more accessible.

Join us and be prepared to participate. Bring your questions and have one of your websites open on your computer, ready to implement what you learn.

Who should attend?

Our meetup is inclusive. This group is for people who love the idea of making the online world more inclusive and easier to participate in, and want to share their knowledge and experience; it is also a chance to meet other WordPress users and web accessibility learners. Both experienced and beginner web accessibility learners and WordPress users are encouraged to attend and participate.

We do have a few rules.

As we’re familiar with WordPress Meetups, we’ve adopted these 4 from WordPress’ 5 Good Faith Rules on Make WordPress:

Also please check our Code of Conduct ( ). We’re a friendly bunch, creating a friendly, nurturing and encouraging environment to talk WordPress and Accessibility.

NO Sales pitches of your products or services to the group. NO pitches of any product that you receive a kickback or commission for. There are other places for that.

No legal discussion or advice, unless you are a practicing attorney in good standing and not just playing one on YouTube . . .

There are a lot of smart people in this group who show up ready to help and answer beginner and advanced questions alike. During discussions, we encourage everyone to lend their voice to the conversation, but even if you know all the answers, please let others contribute as well.



Some of our presentations will be recorded in Zoom. Participants should (if Zoom is working correctly) hear an audio "Recording" notification, or see a popup stating: “This meeting is being recorded. By continuing to be in the meeting, you are consenting to being recorded.” You can then either leave the meeting or continue.

Should the recording be interrupted due to internet outage or Zoom failure, these messages will return each time the recording starts or restarts, informing participants that the meeting is being recorded.

If the meeting recording is successful, it may be provided after the meeting for participants to access after the necessary accessibility has been added.


Unless the virtual platform we are utilizing doesn't allow it, or endures a technical interruption, this Accessibility Web + WordPress Meetup group will include live transcript and Closed Captioning. As a participant you can access this transcript through the CC (Closed Captioning) setting in the Zoom window. See Zoom’s Closed Captioning tutorial for help. (

We’re also excited to announce that attendance at our Accessibility Web + WordPress Meetup events qualifies for IAAP Continuing Accessibility (A11y) Education Credits (CAECs)! IAAP is the acronym for International Association of Accessibility Professionals, “a not-for-profit membership-based organization for individuals and organizations that are focused on accessibility or are in the process of building their accessibility skills and strategies.”


** A very special thank you to Sumner M. Davenport & Assoc. LLC for sponsoring the Zoom video conferencing services and live/human captioning (CART) services for this Meetup Group. **
