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What we’re about

Action Design Miami is part of the Action Design Network, a nonprofit, 13-city (and growing) international network of curious professionals passionate about the application of behavioral science and design to the improvement of people's lives.

Every month we explore the intersection of technology (UI / UX, data science), psychology (behavioral economics, positive psychology), and advocacy, and focus on exposing our members to cutting edge tools, research, and practitioners in each of these areas so they can apply the latest learning in action design in their respective fields.

Whether the goal is to help people save more money, get in shape, cut down on electricity usage, or learn a new language, our core pursuit is the same:

How can we use research in behavioral economics and psychology to help users build habits and change their daily behavior?

This group is for designers, developers, entrepreneurs, economists, psychologists, marketers and others who are curious and passionate about helping people create positive change in their lives. 

Action Design Network is in:

DC  |  NYC  |  Boston  |  Chicago  |  San Francisco  |  Miami   

Austin  |  Durham  |  Atlanta  |  Honolulu  |  Toronto  |  London | Vancouver