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Upcoming events for Agile Orlando - April - July 2014

From: Mark K.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 26, 2014, 8:34 AM


If you didn't make it to on Saturday, it was an impressive event that covered dotNet, Javascript, Agile, professional skills and more.  We have some other exciting events for AgileOrlando in the coming months.  Here is a quick summary:

  • Lean Coffee Q&A - If you have never been to a lean coffee, this is your chance to ask questions about agile or share stories about what you and your organization have learned.  Next Lean Coffee is tomorrow in College park.  We are planning others for south Orlando and Lake Mary.
  • New locations - we will be experimenting with new locations for Lean Coffee Q&A (morning) and our monthly talks.  Let us know how we can serve you better by answering our 1-question poll
  • Next evening talk (Mon, April 7) -  will be on "Using Kanban at Scale".  If you are curious at what large scale agile can be like, you don't want to miss this.  Please RSVP at so we have enough food for all.
  • May evening talk (Mon, May 5) - "How Often are you Wrong?" by David Hussman.  David is an international conference speaker and always has thought provoking talks on agile, software development and product management.  If you haven't heard "the dude" speak before, this is an event not to miss.  Info and RSVP at
  • Agile Tools Summit (May21, Ft Lauderdale) - our friends at South Florida Agile are hosting a conference on "what's next" in agile tools.  I might organize a road trip/ride-share for the day for anyone interested.  Watch for details.
  • First Agile Open Florida conference (June) - this will be the first Florida agile conference co-hosted by Tampa Bay Agile and  More information coming out in a few days!
  • AgileOrlando team members and sponsors needed - As we grow our events this year, we'll need some additional helping hands as well as sponsors to keep our events free to members.  Contact [address removed] to find out some of the benefits.

Looking forward to seeing you at our upcoming events!  More to come.

Mark Kilby

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