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Other Agile Meetup Tonight in Williamsburg - Guy Beaver

From: Megan W.
Sent on: Thursday, June 13, 2019, 1:01 PM

I was asked to inform Agile 757 members of another Agile Meetup tonight in Williamsburg.

Eastern VA Agile will be featuring Guy Beaver, a well-known and respected Agile Consultant.Topic: Flow at all scalesWhen: 6/13/19 7:00 PM – 9:00 PMWhere: The Amber Ox – 525 Prince Street, Williamsburg, VAClick here for more info or to RSVP

Abstract:Guy will lead a discussion on "Flow at all scales." Flow refers to the steady stream of valuable delivery to the customer, but it also is used to describe an individual state of high performance and focus. There is even a "Flow Framework" described in Mik Kersten's book Project to Product. Are these different instances of the same state? What characteristics of flow apply at all scales? What can you do as a leader to improve flow and as an individual to achieve flow states?  (or Guy might just talk about Government Beers)

Find Guy Beaver's books here: