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What we’re about


To connect with like-minded individuals to further professionalise the world of Agile Coaching


We welcome you to this special free online group focusing on small group sessions that will help you, your team and your organisation be the best it can be. 

This group is for people who are performing an agile coaching role. it will be an advantage if you have completed the ICAgile Agile Coaching Course however we do not mandate this however you will need to align to the work at and be willing to fill in the agile coaching growth wheel which you can find on the site.

We will often review our Agile Coaching growth wheels, get feedback and support on things we've tried or perhaps you want a safe space to try something new?.  Coaching is also an important part of the group's sessions along with whatever you'd like to have happen?

This is not a standard meetup group but a support group for people on their agile coaching journey we will not be having big-name speakers and everyone is expected to contribute and regularly attend sessions.

Other benefits include SEUs towards Scrum Alliance renewals and mentoring towards your CTC or CEC certifications.

At the moment you will need to have been nominated by a member of the group over time this will change.

You can also join us on Slack with the below instructions and ask any questions you might have

You can join the group using the following link this is a public Agile Coaches group please introduce your self when you join then go to channels and add the #AgileAffinity Channel.