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What we’re about

*All skill levels are welcome!!!*


  • TUES:
    • Vincent Lugo Park in San Gabriel from 5:15pm-7:30pm
  • THURS:
    • Vincent Lugo Park in San Gabriel from 5:15pm-7:30pm
  • SAT:
    • Vincent Lugo Park in San Gabriel from 7:45am-9:45am

*Locations, dates and times are subject to change due to weather, holidays, or field occupancy.*

Gameplay Rules:

  1. Format: 2 halves of 45mins, 5mins breaks in between
  2. Offsides
    • A few feet is okay, just don't cherrypick
  3. Handball
    • Elbow or below is a handball. Bicep and above is fine
  4. No sliding tackling
  5. No aggressive rough plays
  6. No discouraging words to one another (e.g. "You suck", "Just quit", "Why are you here," etc.)
  7. Call Your Fouls
    • We officiate our own fouls. If it's a foul, it's a foul. Move on and keeping playing.

Meetup Group Rules:

  1. Have fun!
  2. Try not to take things personally, we're all here to have fun and enjoy the game
  3. *Please RSVP. We would like to have an estimated head-count of who will be attending that week. If you RSVP, it will ensure you have a playing spot for the week. However, it will NOT hold your playing spot if you are late.*IF you're on the waitlist, you can try coming on time and see if someone is not coming, most likely there will be limited spots open
  4. Please be punctual. We are expected to have max attendance. If you come early, you will get to play. If you arrive late, you will, unfortunately, be asked to attend the following week.
  5. Please bring your own water

Any questions? Please send us a message! :)

*The organizers reserve the right to suspend members from the group in order to maintain the spirit of the game and safety of all members.

PLEASE NOTE: Soccer Organizers are not liable for any injuries that may occur while playing. By RSVPing and attending meetup events you accept full responsibility of all the risks involved in participating in this sport.

*We do accept donations. Donations go to equipment (balls, goals, cones, etc.) and Meetup fees.