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What we’re about

This is a friendly informal group in northwest Las Vegas for people who are interested in writing, from those just thinking about it to those who have been published.  And it's free! (Donations to pay for its presence on Meetup are welcome if anyone is so inclined.) 2017 average attendance is 10-12 people per meeting, with room for more. The group is facilitated by Glory Wade.

We meet from 5:30pm to 7:30pm the first and third Tuesday of each month at the Aliante Library. Writers who want feedback on a chapter of their book, story, poem or song are asked to bring hard copies (ideally 10-12) for their peers to write their comments/suggestions on. The copies are returned to the author after gentle, constructive verbal feedback is given. Occasionally, we have guest speakers and do writing/educational exercises e.g. grammar, use of the five senses, re-wording of cliches, etc. Handouts pertinent to writing are sometimes given out.

If you are considering writing, have written but are not published, or have been published, please join us. We don't bite!!

Come share, learn and help others who love the written word.