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CBS This Morning invites our participation

From: ken k.
Sent on: Friday, April 20, 2012, 1:10 PM

 I received the following email from a staffer at CBS News.  If you are interested, respond ASAP  to Billy Miller directly.  His contact information is at the end of the letter.



Dear “Alive and Kickin’” members on,

My name is Billy Miller, and I work for CBS News with CBS This Morning –a national morning news program. We are working on a story concerning the rising rate of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among seniors; to offer some substance beyond the facts, we are looking for single seniors to offer there reactions to a viral PSA YouTube video promoting safe sex among seniors. Links for more information on the studies behind the statistics and the YouTube video can be found at the following links:


We are aiming to shoot this story this Monday, so if you feel you have an opinion about the preceding information please contact me as soon as possible. You can reach me via phone at[masked] or via e-mail at [address removed]. I look forward to hearing from you.


Billy Miller

William H. Miller | Broadcast Associate | CBS This Morning |[masked] | [address removed]