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A NEW Message From Our Sponsor MBA@UNC!

From: user 2.
Sent on: Thursday, December 1, 2011, 1:00 PM

MBA@UNC is Proud to Support your Meetup!

Hi Meetup Community Members,

Thank you again for participating in the MBA@UNC sponsorship program! We've been thrilled to be a part of your communities, and we are looking forward to the last few weeks of the sponsorship.
After speaking with your organizers, it seems that many of you are curious about MBA@UNC and what makes it different then other online MBA programs. Therefore we would like to invite you to an online information session on December 13th at 6 p.m. EST.. You may learn more here, as well as reserve your spot.
As mentioned in our previous email, we also pride ourselves on utilizing cutting edge technology for our classroom platform and wanted to share a video showcasing our technology.


If you have any additional questions or inquiries about MBA@UNC, please feel free to reach out to the admissions team or myself at any time. You can contact the admissions team at [address removed] or on the phone,[masked]UNC.MBA, and email me at [address removed].

Thank you for your support for MBA@UNC! Hope you have a happy holiday season.

We hope you've enjoyed being part of this sponsorship program! If you have any questions just reply to this email and let us know or feel free to reach out to Harrison direct.

~Meetup Sponsorships

Add [address removed] to your address book to ensure that you receive emails from us.

You're receiving this message because The Alpharetta/Milton Biz Networking & Social Club is sponsored by MBA@UNC. If you don't want to get these emails or participate in this sponsorship click here.

You're receiving this offer because your Meetup Group is accepting financial support and benefits from sponsors. Update Sponsorship settings

Meetup Inc. PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked]

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