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GE ecomagination Challenge: Powering the Grid

From: Joshua D.
Sent on: Friday, July 16, 2010, 11:47 AM
Hello All,

GE Ecomagination has become a sponsor of our group!

They are also sponsoring a technology challenge:  GE ecomagination Challenge: Powering the Grid.  More details on the challenge below.
Best regards,
Joshua Dobbelaar

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From: Meetup Sponsorships <[address removed]>
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Sent: Wed, July 14,[masked]:00:25 PM
Subject: July Newsletter from Boston Area Alternative Energy Supporters's sponsor GE: $200 million ecomagination

GE: $200 Million ecomagination July Newsletter

GE ecomagination

Hi Organizers,

ecomagination is GE's commitment to invest in a future that creates innovative solutions to environmental challenges and delivers valuable products and services while generating profitable growth for the company - in essence, making "green", green.

You and your Meetup Group can be part of this global transformation! Share this info with your members to help spark discussion around how your members can play a part in solving one of the world's toughest challenges at your next Meetup.

One way to participate is through the GE ecomagination Challenge: Powering the Grid, announced on July 13 by GE, leading venture capital firms, as well as Chris Anderson, editor-in-chief of Wired magazine. The challenge is an open call for breakthrough ideas and technologies that will help create a smarter, cleaner, more efficient and economically viable grid, and to accelerate the adoption of smart grid technologies. Collectively, GE and its venture capital partners have committed $200 million to help bring these new ideas to market.

The challenge, which runs through September 30, is open to technologists, entrepreneurs, start-ups, students and groups like yours from across the globe. It's open to anyone aged 18 years or older and all legally formed entities. Read all the details here and submit your ideas at

GE wanted to ensure that you were among the first to learn about this extraordinary opportunity. Entries will be evaluated as candidates for both a potential future commercial relationship as well as for a $100,000 innovation award.

There are three categories for submission:

  • Challenge 1: Create Power - Renewables
  • Challenge 2: Connect Power - Grid Efficiency
  • Challenge 3: Use Power - Eco Homes/ Eco Buildings

The challenge is open now at, and you can read the full press release here. Get your family and friends involved - members of the general public will be able to view streaming video of the entrants presenting their ideas and vote for the idea that they believe will have the most impact on the smart grid of the future.

Join the conversation on Twitter too at @ecomagination.

  • Use the #ecochallenge hashtag to talk about the challenge specifically
  • Use the #ecomagination hashtag to talk about all ecomagination topics
By using these hashtags GE and its partners hope to connect the discussion between your Group and the larger ecomagination community.

The opportunity to change the world is in your hands, so join the challenge, submit your ideas, vote for the most promising teams and help change the way the world uses energy in powerful new ways.

Thanks for using Meetup!
Meetup Sponsorships

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