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Re: [American-History-Enthusiasts] Group summer trips

From: Robert F.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 15, 2012, 9:26 PM
It's very tempting, but out of my price range. Sorry, but I must decline.
-----Original Message-----
From: Doreen <[address removed]>
To: American-History-Enthusiasts-announce <[address removed]>
Sent: Tue, Aug 14,[masked]:11 pm
Subject: [American-History-Enthusiasts] Group summer trips

hello everyone, I wanted to get everyone's opinion on this. There is a travel agent that has historic vacations that our group may be interested in. She has talked to me about a trip to DC and one that toured a couple of different places. Here is an example:
Doreen, I was able to secure June dates 6/14-6/23/13 and as I thought, the cost is slightly higher.
> price per person double occupancy (two people in the room) is $3014 each
> single person in room $3864
> you can only put 3 people in a room maximum
> a child's rate with two adults paid in the room is $2714
> right now we have 16 places held and need at least 10 to get the airfare at this price.
> for your information again this tour is called Heritage of America
> lodging included is 2 nts. in New York; 2 in Lancaster, PA; 1 in Charlottesville, VA; 2 in Williamsburg, VA; & 2 in Arlington, VA
> meals included are 9 breakfasts & 5 dinners
> highlights: NYC tour including Ground Zero, Independence Hall, Amish Country, Buchanan's home, Gettysburg, Monticello, Shenandoah National Park, Colonial Williamsburg, Mt. Vernon, Smithsonian, Capital bld., White House, memorials, & Arlinton Cemetery.
they are all inclusive trips so it includes airfare, lodging, tours, and meals. I thought it sounded like a great vacation, but kind of expensive. What do you guys think? Something you would be interested in? This one listed is for 10 days. There are shorter trips that are a little less. There was a 5 day vacation in DC for about 2300 per person.

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