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What we’re about

Amsterdam’s quarterly AI summit for applied: Machine Learning – Deep Learning – Cognitive – Augmented Intelligence – Natural Language Processing – Neural Networks – computer vision and other related topics – in short: Applied Artificial Intelligence.

Amsterdam AI is a community that brings startups, corporates and academics in the AI sphere together to understand the current state of these technologies, its value add for businesses, and what is in store for the near future. Our talks and round tables aim to reveal trends, industry insights and practicable approaches of applying technologies around the analysis of text, audio, image, video, and structured data.

Each summit not only contains talks providing industry insights, trend analysis, and hands-on tips on how to apply machine learning techniques in your business, it will also have Peer-to-Peer sessions on natural language, audio, image + video analysis, and data modelling led by local industry experts.

Join our community to connect with fellow group members or visit our career hub for more events (conferences), jobs and learning resources for Data Scientists & Machine Learning Engineers.