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New Meetup: December Event - "The Power of Ceremony" with our guest Kirsten Beyer

From: Kim
Sent on: Tuesday, December 8, 2009, 11:49 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for "An Abundant Universe"!

What: December Event - "The Power of Ceremony" with our guest Kirsten Beyer

When: December 11,[masked]:30 PM

Price: $10.00 per person

Full Moon Books and Event Center
9106 West 6th Avenue
Denver, CO 80215

Hi, Lightworkers,

It's time for our December Friday Night Event. This one is titled "The Power of Ceremony". Our guest is Kirsten Beyer.

Ceremonies and Rituals have been around us for as long as man has noted the cycles of the earth. Come learn about the meaning of rituals and what part they can play in your everyday world. We will explore the ceremonies for entering your winter cave. What does it mean to "go into the dark time"? We will also conduct a ceremony honoring the return of the light - This one promises to put a smile on your face. In these ceremonies, you will "remember" the cycles of Mother Earth and what they mean to all of us.

Kirsten is a Reiki Master and Free Soul graduate.? She has studied our human interaction with Mother Earth most of her life.? She has been leading ceremonies and rituals for over ten years.

Admission is only $10.00.
(You can pay at the door.)

If you have any questions, you can e-mail through Meetup.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Love, Light, and Abundance,

Kim and Peter Fanelli

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