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Friday Jeet Kune Do Schedule Update: Class Canceled ! ! !

From: Nhan-Esteban K.
Sent on: Wednesday, April 8, 2009, 1:06 PM
Hello Everyone,

We have an unexpected scheduling conflict with the Friday night East LA location this week due to the Holiday, so we have to cancel class.

I apologize for the late notice.

Those of you who have already RSVPed or prepaid for the month, may attend a semi-private class as a make up for this week's missed Drills & Conditioning class at no extra charge. You may also attend the Saturday afternoon Drills & Conditioning class in Pasadena instead.

The current schedule for semi-privates is as follows:

-Monday 7:15pm
-Saturday 6:30pm

-Sunday 12:00 noon
-Sunday 2:00pm

West Covina
-Tuesday 6:00pm

Semi-privates are scheduled by appointment only, as there is an attendance limit and some classes are full or nearly full. Please email or call me in advance to schedule a class.

Thanks for your understanding!


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