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What we’re about

Are you a spiritual explorer?
Have you had a spiritual experience, dreams with a departed loved one, or an out of body adventure?
Do you experience déjà vu, knowingness, or coincidences, or have a sense you have lived before?
Are you interested in past lives, dreams, or Soul Travel?
Do you receive inner guidance and nudges?
Have you had experiences with divine love, light or sound?

Perhaps you are looking for a deeper understanding of who you are and your life’s purpose?
If so, then we want to meet you!
Our Meetup group gives the opportunity to open yourself to more love, joy, wisdom, and growth by further exploration and understanding of life from a spiritual perspective. Here we share valuable tools to enhance your current path, and spiritual exercises to explore your inner worlds.
We like to explore our deepest spiritual questions, and meet people of like mind and heart. We are an open, friendly spiritual community who welcomes everyone. Many of us have felt a sense of "coming home again," of connecting to others who have had similar spiritual experiences, and of finally being able to talk about them with others who might understand.
Please come and share your spiritual experiences and explorations, or simply listen in on the discussions. All skill levels, insights and points-of-view are appreciated. Spiritual explorers from all walks of life, and all spiritual or religious inclinations are welcome.
Topics are chosen that can help you discover your own connection with Spirit. Personal spiritual freedom is a precious gift and is respected by all who attend.

There is never a cost for coming to and participating in our community conversations, just come and enjoy!
Sponsored by members of Eckankar in Alaska, as a community service. 

> ECKANKAR in Alaska has suspended all in-person group ECK events until March 31, for the health and well-being of attendees, and as a courtesy to help prevent the spread of the Coronavirus.  Please check back for updates and opportunities for more virtual meetings. Until then check out the links below; they offer real help and creative connections for everyday living during these challenging times!


Eckankar, the Path of Spiritual Freedom is a spiritual resource for people of all faiths and beliefs. It is an individual, creative practice to experience and explore past lives, dreams, Soul Travel and more.

For more on the resources offered by Eckankar, the Path of Spiritual Freedom, visit .

To learn about the HU, the Sound of Soul, visit

Animals are Soul, is a fun and uplifting blog to check out, 
The Spiritual Wisdom Journal is a free, quarterly, online newsletter for people who want more spiritual perspective and encouragement, especially in uncertain times. 
Request a FREE Spiritual guidebook and explore topics like prophetic dreams, déjà vu,  remembering past lives, out-of-body experiences, and knowing the truth instantly. This book offers creative techniques and Spiritual Exercises.


The opinions expressed in this site are those of the writers and not necessarily those of ECKANKAR or the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master, Sri Harold Klemp.
Copyright © 2018 ECKANKAR, All rights reserved. The terms ECKANKAR, ECK, EK, MAHANTA, SOUL TRAVEL, and VAIRAGI, among others are trademarks of ECKANKAR, PO Box 2000, Chanhassen, MN 55317-2000 USA.