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Can you provide a temporary home to a small dog?

From: Dina
Sent on: Tuesday, December 17, 2013, 2:55 PM
Boston Terrier Rescue of East Tennessee covers the southeast of the United States and right now, the Florida Division is in desperate need of foster homes. 

In fact, there are two senior Bostons right now (one at Hillsborough County Animal Services and one at Manatee County) that they want to save...but no foster homes.

It does not cost anything to foster (the rescue group pays for vet visits). I'm a foster for this wonderful organization and highly recommend them. If you have ever thought about fostering, there is no better time than the present!

Find the application at bostonterriertn(dot)org. You do not need to pay the application fee if you are fostering.
Below is a portion of an article that appeared in the Jan/Feb/Mar 2012 issue of Florida Voices for Animals newsletter to help answer most questions people have about fostering:

What does it mean to foster a pet?
A foster provides a loving home and care for pets while they are awaiting placement in their "forever home".

What is required of a foster?
Aside from regular day-to-day care (feeding, exercise) a foster may include basic training and socialization, as needed.

How long will I have my foster?
It varies from a few days to possibly a few weeks or longer, depending on circumstances.

What are the financial costs?
In most cases, the rescue group will pay for vet visits, any medications required, and can provide other items like bedding, crates, or leashes. Be sure to direct any questions about financial costs to the specific rescue group you are considering.

What if I become too attached to my foster?
You can always adopt him or her! Or allow them to be adopted by someone else, knowing that there is another homeless dog that needs you.

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