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One of our Girlfriends needs pet sitting help

From: Beth
Sent on: Thursday, July 3, 2014, 8:00 AM

Hi Ladies,

One of our friends Anne needs help with last minute pet sitting for her cat.  Below is a message from her. If anyone out there is interested in helping Anne please email her directly:

Hi all,

I'm going on vacation with my dog for about 2 weeks toward the end of July '14, leaving my cat Tristan home.

Is there anyone who could host Tristan in your home for these two weeks? ( I'll deliver him and pick him up myself.)

He is a shy guy who enjoys a daily cuddle on His terms. He is an indoor cat, uses a litter box, and is declawed in front so no worries about your furniture.

He is used to living with another cat (no longer with us) and a dog.

I have left him alone for up to 4 days, in case you have plans to be gone yourself for a couple days during this 2 wk period. But I can't leave him alone for so long, and right now can't afford the petsitter charges of $20-30/day, esp. on top of the cross-country flight. (It's a family reunion so I feel like I 'have' to go.)

So....anybody out there who would like to 'test drive' having a cat? Please email me so we can discuss any questions you may have.

[address removed]

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