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Results of 1st Loudoun Amateur Chess Tournament

From: Sunil L.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 2, 2013, 9:39 AM
Hello Ashburn Chess Club Members,

We had a successful first rated tournament (U900) last Sunday (9/29/13). Great job by all players! 

First Place: Atmika Gorti
Second Place: Akshay Kobla 
Third Place: Varun Reddy Vonteru
Fourth Place: Evan T Fulmer
Fifth Place: Sai Kiran Ravva

Top Girl Player: Alice Cao-Dao
Top Unrated Player: Siddharth Ganesh

Given below is a link to some of the pictures taken during this event.

To check your rating, you can follow the link to the USCF site(,com_wrapper/Itemid,181/), enter the USCF id or your Lastname, Firstname to get to the rating page. Clicking on the hyperlink associated with the player's name will take you to another page where the last tab says 'Tnmt Hist' (Tournament History). Clicking on that tab will show you the list of tournaments played in a chronological order, starting with the latest. Please note that the order of the result list on the USCF site does not take tie breaks into account.

Several parents inquired about future events and tournaments. We will be sending out meetup notifications for any future events by email. Stay tuned for those. We also have an afternoon chess instruction session taught by RK (Ramakrishna Gundala) at the LVE Community center (same as the tournament venue) from 12.45 to 2.45 PM every Sunday. All are welcome to attend.

We would like to thank Janice Verini of LVE HOA for supporting this event and all parent volunteers for helping out with pizza sale and wrapping up.

Sunil & RK

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