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New Meetup: Asheville Skeptics Meetup: Sweatlodge of positive thinking.

From: Keith W.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 30, 2009, 5:31 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Asheville Skeptics!

What: Asheville Skeptics Meetup: Sweatlodge of positive thinking.

When: December 30,[masked]:30 PM

13 W Walnut St
Asheville, NC 28803

Fellow skeptics, the two week long spate of terrible weather has exercised a considerable dampening effect on my usually crotchety and skeptical self. My energies have been directed towards snow shoveling, electricity theft, and shaking my fist at the malevolent skies in impotent rage. Now, with things somewhat back to normal, I?m in the mood to restore a positive therapeutic relationship with the gracious wait staff at Scully?s. Beer on tap, heat, indoor toilets and electric lights; Scully?s has it all!

BTW, this dude, friend of Oprah and peddler of the worst kind of positive thinking swill, is looking pretty bad in light of recent evidence uprooted by the homicide investigation into his Deadly Sweatlodge. So, maybe for a late Kwanzaa present I?ll get to see him brought up on manslaughter charges this year. Still, I?d rather endure the recent cold snap in an exploding pair of Charlie Sheen?s Hanes underwear than be all warm and toasty in Sedona listening to this nut as I die.

7:30, Scully?s, bull, beer, and current events!

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