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Event Details for Saturday's "Moon Festival Lantern Walk and Late Night Dinner at Oscars!"

From: Ronald L.
Sent on: Friday, September 12, 2014, 12:10 PM

Hi there!

I hope you had a nice week and are looking forward to the weekend. If you are coming to the "Moon Festival Lantern Walk and Late Night Dinner at Oscars!" I want to send you some important notes to give you the best and most fun evening.

1) There are a LOT of people RSVP'd, over 60 between a few groups. 
2) You will all meet at the corner of 29th Avenue and Slocan street at 6:45pm. This is at the west end of the block from 29th Avenue Skytrain station. Just look for the group of people. 
3) The hosts for this event are David Sheng and Paul Mei. They are there just to say hi in the beginning and at the restaurant afterwards, if you are coming. Feel free to ask around to find out who they are and introduce yourselves to them.
4) At 7:15pm Dave and Paul will move you all closer to the actual walking area, where the Moon Festival organizers will lead a parade down to Renfrew.
5) You probably will loose people and get lost during the walk. That's ok, as you'll see people you recognize and form your own small group. I highly encourage you do that.
6) The walk is a nice walk to the Renfrew Community Center where the ravine will be dressed up in colorful lanterns. It'll look awesome. Bring your camera.
7) If you are going to Golden Oscar for HK Style food at 9pm, either go with your small group or walk there. Its less than a 10 minute walk east on East 22nd Avenue (by Rupert Street). Bring cash, they only take cash (average about $15). You'll probably share dishes with people at your table (optional, but that's what we did last time).
8) If you are driving, I suggest you park around Renfew Community Center and walk to 29th Station or park along Renfrew street.
9) Please post images and make comments/rate the event after the event!

Have fun!


Ronald Lee


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