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The first party was awesome. Now, about our NEXT PARTY!

From: Ronald L.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 19, 2016, 5:01 PM

Hi there everyone,

Our first party of the year was awesome. Thanks for everyone for coming and a special thanks to those of you who brought things and helped to clean up.

Photos from the event are posted on the group here:

QUESTION: When should we have our next one? I'd like to have another two more between now and the end of February.

We can get the space again on the Friday or Saturday of January 29th, February 5th or 12th. Is the 5th too close to Chinese New Year or the 12th too close to Valentines Day? Or do we make these New Year and Valentines themed parties?

What I suggest is perhaps... January 29th and again on February 12th.

This time I think we'll do something like a potluck plus $5 or $10 for the space and pizza. What would be great is:

1) Can you invite two friends to join to the group and come to the next party? I've already invited a number of friend from my other channels and a lot will be coming.

2) Can someone think of a mixer game we can play at the start of the event? Or after we eat? Or do we just make it casual mingling and board games, like last time.

3) Can someone be in charge of getting the pizza? Even if its ordered and delivered, that would still be a big help. We need a pizza captain!

So anyway, I'd love to hear from you! Just hit reply and let me know if you have any feedback on the date for the next ones and if you can help.


Ronald Lee
c/o Ronald Lee Studios



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