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Re: [beer-127] Are people still interested in attending Beer Meetups?

From: Liz
Sent on: Tuesday, August 18, 2015, 10:43 AM
I just signed up and ended up being sick this past weekend. I'm definitely interested in attending future meetups.

On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 8:46 PM, Cybercat <[address removed]> wrote:

I have been disappointed with the turnout at the last few Meetups. Should we not have Meetups during beer festival season, or have them on Sunday, or in the evening?

I really need for people to come to these things. It does not speak well for our group when I promise a half dozen people, at least, and only three show up. I hope that I don't have to step down as Organizer, which means that this Meetup will close - unless somebody else will step forward and take the proverbial reins.

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