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What we’re about

Alanta Internet Marketing - Group Description

This group was created for online marketers who want drive more sales to their businesses by enhancing their marketing and presentation skills. Whether you are a novice, professional, salesperson, teacher, student, leader, manager, presenter, entrepreneur, seasoned online marketer, or someone who wants to better his/her communication skills, and learn the most cutting edge online marketing tools available in Atlanta,  this is the group for you.

Our Purpose:

For you to share your wins/learnings in this forum so we can learn from them as a group. Also, keep us posted on your current projects and how we can help you as a community.

We hold FREE LIVE and in-person masterminds twice a month at our Duluth Training Center to collaborate and network with other like-minded entrepreneurs and fellow online marketers. Along with guest expert speakers, we have a topic discussion and a mastermind forum to inspire new ideas and help you move forward with achieving success in your business.

Our Mission:

To empower people to take ownership of their marketing endeavors and turn their passions and hobbies into a self-perpetuating speaking business or apply them to their current business. The Entrepreneurs Masterminds accomplish this by building a global community on the local level and providing a mastermind discussion forum for business owners to network, mastermind, partner, learn, and grow. And learn some pretty awesome presentation skills along the way.

Look forward to seeing you at our next Meetup!

Ariel Ghinga

Meetup Organizer

Below You'll find some testimonials and a free webinar to get a sense of how we teach. Hopefully you find enough value to decide to join our group. We look forward to meeting you in person soon!

Here's a testimonial from a GA Tech professional that has received his breakthrough after participating in the training:

"It is with the greatest pleasure that l write this recommendation to Mr. Ariel Ghinga, CEO of the Personality Development Group, LLC. I came across an advertisement by Ariel when I was searching for expert advice and coaching to improve my professional and personal presentation and overall expression skills. The service provided by Ariel via one-on-one coaching sessions proved to be more than the monies’ worth. Ariel’s training, guidance and teaching caused a significant transformation in my life. His methods helped me achieve much more than I expected: I was able to achieve my immediate career goals by implementing his approaches in real life situations.

By just showing up for one of his demonstrations sessions, I was able to gauge what to expect and immediately signed up for his services. That was one of the smartest decisions I made in my life. I would highly recommend Ariel’s services to anyone who is looking to achieve his or her dream goals but is only restricted by the weaknesses or negative aspects of the personality. If you think you have some difficulties in expressing yourself or surviving under professional or normal social settings, Ariel would be the person to go for! He will guide you towards your goals, and teach you methods that will continuously keep you on track for nothing less than the ultimate success of your personal goals!" – Chaminda M. Gamage, Ph.D., Research Scientist II, School of Chemistry and Biochemistry Georgia Institute of Technology

Check Out Some Reviews From Our Previous Seminars and Bootcamps - We believe you'll derive significant value from joining our group. So, what are you waiting for? Click the JOIN button!

Ive also put together a 90 Min Webinar to Give You a Sense of What You'll Learn and answer any questions you may have about the group. You can also watch the webinar after you join.

Webinar - From Stage fright to Spotlight....Watch Now!

Always My Best,


Here are some more reviews from our previous workshops:

Angelic Muhammad

I had a great time! I am glad my friend invited me.

Like · Reply · December 21 · Mute


Awesome awesome workshop!!! Very glad that I attended and I am looking forward to the class.

Like · Reply · December 20 · Mute

Mattia Harris Bolton

The workshop was powerful and effective. I came away with so much more insight than I previously had in the area of public speaking. Ariel has this way of making learning fun, so while I was gaining an understanding of how to use my tone of voice, hand gestures and attitude to grasp the crowd, I was yet having a ball. He has a natural way of making you feel comfortable in his presence and okay with making a few mistakes without feeling like an idiot. I absolutely loved this workshop and look forward to working with him in the near future to assist me in perfecting my speaking craft. Ariel has an awesome gift of teaching. He is a natural motivator and he has instilled a lot within me in just those 2 hours, Ariel is a gift.

Like · Reply · December 19 · Mute

John McCullough

Very informative. Can't believe how much we learned in such a short time. Ariel is definitely a knowledgeable Public Speaking Coach. Looking forward to much more.

Like · Reply · December 19 · Mute

Antuan Lowe

Great Workshop!! I look forward to the additional training. Ariel is an exciting sincere Coach and it was a great pleasure to experience.

Like · Reply · December 19 · Mute


I really enjoyed this workshop! It was worth the long drive for me..

Like · Reply · December 19 · Mute


It was a very inspiring and fun meeting!

Like · Reply · December 19 · Mute

A. Rendon

Not only did I learn, I enjoyed myself very much as well. Mr. Ghinga, is an inspiration and a very professional instructor.

Like · December 13

This meet up was worth every minute. Ariel is a awesome. He is an effective teacher and gave excellent pointers to get me from stage fright to spotlight. Thanks Ariel!

Like · Reply · December 13 · Mute

Bruce Rosario 
Bruce Rosario 
The Work Spot is an excellent location!!!! Excellent class!!! Ariel is an excellent teacher & coach!!!!

Like · Reply · December 12 · Mute

This Workshop was awesome !!!

Like · Reply · December 12 · Mute

Dawn Rae 
Dawn Rae 
really great info!!! glad im here!

1 · Like · Reply · December 12 · Mute

Rayann Larsen 
Rayann Larsen 
One of the best meet ups I have ever been to. Very simple action items for me to put into place today!

Like · Reply · December 12 · Mute

Jason Oman 
Jason Oman 
Hey Ariel! I didn't know you're doing Pub Speaking MeetUps man!! I wish I would've known sooner. I can't make it to the 12/12 gig because I'm doing dinner with a buddy who saved my life when my head blew up from the Anneurysm. (You remember Riad right??) But, PLEASE if you're open/willing, let me know about your next Public Speaking event so I can make SURE to book it before anything else! I'm DEFINITELY wanting to get back into doing more speaking again. So, that would be AWESOME!! 
(I just never know when my memory will work or when it won't from the Anneurysm. So, in case I don't find/see the notification about it I'm hoping you'll send me an email/text.) 
Thx for being such a Rock Star, my friend!

Jason Oman 
#1 Best-Selling Author from TV

Like · Reply · December 11 · Mute

Linked In Recommendations

Here are some pictures from our previous bootcamps! 

"Atlanta Internet Marketing is the Group To Help You Start And Grow Your Online Business Through Proven Internet Marketing Strategies"

It doesn't matter if you are a "newbie" or an experienced marketer looking to add to your bottom line... you'll find what you need with our group.

Meet with people who are successfully operating entrepreneurial ventures online.

Learn to grow your business through list building, affiliate marketing, joint ventures, blogs, social networking digital product creation, webinars, public speaking and so many other platforms

Our next program is about combining a hybrid of online marketing and public speaking marketing for one powerful combo! If you'd like to increase your clientele, consider signing up for our upcoming bootcamp:

Here are some photos from some of our participants in from our previous bootcamp. As you can see, we are very dedicated to having regular content rich, unique and fun events. JOIN to find out more!

See you inside the Meet Up Group! You can start reaching out to members right click the JOIN button Today!

Always My Best,


Here are some more reviews from our previous workshops:

Angelic Muhammad

I had a great time! I am glad my friend invited me.

Like · Reply · December 21 · Mute


Awesome awesome workshop!!! Very glad that I attended and I am looking forward to the class.

Like · Reply · December 20 · Mute

Mattia Harris Bolton

The workshop was powerful and effective. I came away with so much more insight than I previously had in the area of public speaking. Ariel has this way of making learning fun, so while I was gaining an understanding of how to use my tone of voice, hand gestures and attitude to grasp the crowd, I was yet having a ball. He has a natural way of making you feel comfortable in his presence and okay with making a few mistakes without feeling like an idiot. I absolutely loved this workshop and look forward to working with him in the near future to assist me in perfecting my speaking craft. Ariel has an awesome gift of teaching. He is a natural motivator and he has instilled a lot within me in just those 2 hours, Ariel is a gift.

Like · Reply · December 19 · Mute

John McCullough

Very informative. Can't believe how much we learned in such a short time. Ariel is definitely a knowledgeable Public Speaking Coach. Looking forward to much more.

Like · Reply · December 19 · Mute

Antuan Lowe

Great Workshop!! I look forward to the additional training. Ariel is an exciting sincere Coach and it was a great pleasure to experience.

Like · Reply · December 19 · Mute


I really enjoyed this workshop! It was worth the long drive for me..

Like · Reply · December 19 · Mute


It was a very inspiring and fun meeting!

Like · Reply · December 19 · Mute

A. Rendon

Not only did I learn, I enjoyed myself very much as well. Mr. Ghinga, is an inspiration and a very professional instructor.

Like · December 13

This meet up was worth every minute. Ariel is a awesome. He is an effective teacher and gave excellent pointers to get me from stage fright to spotlight. Thanks Ariel!

Like · Reply · December 13 · Mute

Bruce Rosario 
Bruce Rosario 
The Work Spot is an excellent location!!!! Excellent class!!! Ariel is an excellent teacher & coach!!!!

Like · Reply · December 12 · Mute

This Workshop was awesome !!!

Like · Reply · December 12 · Mute

Dawn Rae 
Dawn Rae 
really great info!!! glad im here!

1 · Like · Reply · December 12 · Mute

Rayann Larsen 
Rayann Larsen 
One of the best meet ups I have ever been to. Very simple action items for me to put into place today!

Like · Reply · December 12 · Mute

Jason Oman 
Jason Oman 
Hey Ariel! I didn't know you're doing Pub Speaking MeetUps man!! I wish I would've known sooner. I can't make it to the 12/12 gig because I'm doing dinner with a buddy who saved my life when my head blew up from the Anneurysm. (You remember Riad right??) But, PLEASE if you're open/willing, let me know about your next Public Speaking event so I can make SURE to book it before anything else! I'm DEFINITELY wanting to get back into doing more speaking again. So, that would be AWESOME!! 
(I just never know when my memory will work or when it won't from the Anneurysm. So, in case I don't find/see the notification about it I'm hoping you'll send me an email/text.) 
Thx for being such a Rock Star, my friend!

Jason Oman 
#1 Best-Selling Author from TV

Like · Reply · December 11 · Mute

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