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Meeting Jan 28: Update

From: Wanda M.
Sent on: Sunday, January 20, 2013, 7:49 PM

Hello Everyone,


I had the privilege of a 'sneak preview' of the speaker's content for the upcoming meeting and you are in for an amazing, informative presentation! Not only is he very knowledgeable about the latest breakthroughs in organic farming, but he 'walks his talk.'


Our speaker, Jeff Heard, will share with you not only where the latest farming techniques are going on a large scale but also what you can do on a small scale just in your backyard.


If you are interested in what the new state-of-the-art organic producers are doing and also what you can do on a smaller scale individually, come to this exciting presentation.


As always, the meeting will begin at 7pm, bring an appetizer, side, or dessert...or $5.00 whichever is easiest for you. The main course will be a large chicken and rice soup/stew with sides of bread and salad from our own bountiful winter garden of greens . Please RSVP soon if you plan to go so I know how much to make.


Also, as a reminder - I will award prizes to those who bring their own plate, tableware, and cup in the name of sustainability. No worries if you forget (or can't) - I will provide paper plates, plastic ware just in case. Water will be provided, but if you prefer to drink something else, please feel free to bring that instead.


If you have any questions, please email me directly at [address removed] rather than spamming the entire group.

Can't wait to see you!



Wanda McCallum







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