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What we’re about

Please note: in order to maximize benefit to our membership, we respectfully exercise a policy of no vendors or sales professionals. 

Identity and Access Management is evolving rapidly, and associated technologies and associated processes have a direct impact on an organization’s digital strategy. Whether you are an IAM professional, practitioner, leader responsible for teams with an IAM focus, or simply a technical professional dealing with identity solutions, this regular forum to peek under the covers of Atlanta's Best IAM Projects is been designed to be of practical use to you. It is a forum for learning about and discussing IAM challenges, use cases, best practices, and innovations associated with architecture, policy and process, and technologies.

At each session a key member of the IAM community will introduce a new project. These projects will be discussed in terms of successes, failures and lessons-learned, tested or untested innovations for review, building business cases, and other real-life experience within IAM domains. Rather than simply offering sponsors a platform to show their goods, this workshop will focus on practical issues of interest to the membership in an effort to be of tangible value.

It will also be fun!  Food and drinks will be served at every event.

We hope to see you at our next meeting of the Atlanta IAM Workshop Series!