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New file upload - stress reduction and breathing

From: user 5.
Sent on: Tuesday, July 1, 2008, 3:52 PM
Hi all:
Just wanted to let you know I've uploaded a chart comparing various stress reduction methods and their effectiveness in relieving many common symptoms. Breathing is number 1 overall - yeah! Meditation comes in tenth. You can access the chart in the files section.

This month, Tuesday evenings (July 8 and 15) is Breathing the I Ching. This is an experimental mixture of ancient Chinese wisdom combined with rhythmic breathing. No experience or knowledge is needed. I think we will all learn from each other and have loads of fun in the process.
Breathing the I Ching

For those interested in Generative Breathwork, I've decided to do half-day workshops rather than the long full day. The next one is scheduled for July 19 at 9 am. We should be done by 2 pm with plenty of time left for the weekend. Be sure to check the calendar.

Austin Breathwork
