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Steiner Ranch - Jollyville - Spicewood Lollipop Ride

From: Allen R.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 28, 2011, 9:05 AM

Hi Everyone,   Hope you can join me for the ACM Steiner Ranch ride this Saturday morning, wheels down at 7:45 AM.   I've update the turn sheet for this ride and I'll bring some printed copies to the ride.  Since this is a new route for most members, I suggest you take a few minutes to review the turn sheet.   We will start similar to the J&A SRSH ride but continue south on Spicewood Pkwy off of Anderson Mill road.  It's and out and back ride with a loop on the end, hence the name Lollipop.  It's out and back till we get to 4 Irons Dr. and Spicewood Springs Rd, so if you want a shorter ride you can turn around at any point up till then and simply ride back the same way we came.  Also since this is a new route I will not drop anyone or leave someone behind.  If I loose someone Allison will fire me.    Faster riders that are comfortable with the route are welcome to ride ahead and knock yourselves out!  Please use caution on Spicewood Springs Road, ride single file and be alert for the low water crossings.   See you Saturday.  Allen