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From: user 8.
Sent on: Monday, March 9, 2009, 6:33 AM
Hello Austin Drupalers!! I just posted this in the Message Boards, but I'm not sure anyone is looking there...

I just found out that there is a long-standing Drupal User Group for Austin that is organized on Drupal's site.

I feel a bit stupid, because after using Drupal for over a year now, and having developed roughly 75 sites within this awesome framework, it never even occurred to me to look there for a DUG! Now I'm wondering if there is a need for this group. It doesn't really seem to be gaining traction anyway as I haven't heard back from anyone from messages I've sent out.

Does anyone see value in building a Austin Drupal group? If not I'll just shut this puppy down & join the existing group over at the .ORG.

Let me know! I don't see a LOT of activity over there either, so I am willing to put in the hours to make this group a viable entity if there is interest. I just don't want to spin my wheels and give the impression to the Austin community that I'm stepping on toes.


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