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World Laughter Day!

From: Lynne West The Laughter L.
Sent on: Thursday, April 26, 2012, 5:08 PM




DATE: April 25, 2012

Austin, TX


Laughter Yoga Teacher, Carla H. Brown, announces FREE Public Laughter Session in celebration of World Laughter Day, May 6th, and Two-day Laughter Workshop and Certified Laughter Yoga Leader Training May 5-6th.

Laughter Yoga Teacher, Trainer, Speaker, and Joy Coach, Carla H Brown, announces that she will be coming to the Austin area May 5-6th, 2012 to teach a 2-day Laughter Workshop and Laughter Yoga Leader Training, teaching individuals to become Laughter Yoga leaders and empowering them to share the power of laughter in their community to lower stress levels, boost the immune system and improve health. In addition, she will be leading a FREE public Laughter Yoga session to the greater Austin community on May 6th to celebrate World Laughter Day. (details below)

Carla H. Brown is an expert at using the power of laughter, joy, humor and positivity as an exercise to neutralize and reframe any negative or stressful situation. She has been speaking, teaching workshops and working with individuals and groups on the issues of personal empowerment, positive self-care, and health & wellness publically since 2003. She started her training in the healing arts 24 years ago and began teaching after recovering from paralysis where she was given the opportunity to find the joy and positivity in the darkness of her condition. She is uniquely qualified to offer the gift of laughter and joy to others and remind us all about what is important – joyful, lighthearted connections and a true feeling of well-being.


Brown states, “If laughter IS the best medicine, why aren’t we laughing more? By default many of us have trained ourselves to respond to stress by worrying, getting angry, criticizing and blaming. These are antiquated responses to stress and only release cortisol, the aging hormone, into our bodies making us feel worse. Laughter releases dopamine and other endorphins into our system, even when we fake the laughter, we feel better. Laughter is cathartic, giving an outlet and expression to pent up frustrations and easily transforming them.”


“Laughter yoga provides an opportunity for people to connect in a group and laugh for no reason as an exercise. It reduces anxiety & depression, relieves pain, stress and insomnia, lowers blood pressure, increases oxygen levels to the brain and body and promotes relaxation, stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system to kick-in. It is a full workout for the mind and body.”


“My intention is to offer people an easy alternative to handling stress, giving them permission to let go, relax and have fun! We are too serious and life has become too heavy. We can be disconnected, rude, and shut down – it just means we’ve spent too much time in our head. No biggie, laughter yoga is an easy remedy to that. It frees us up to laugh at our problems and lighten-up! If you can’t be understood, you can’t be misunderstood.”

World Laughter Day- Public Session
When: May 6th, 2pm
Where: Zilker Park, under the Big Shade Tree on the Robert E Lee side.
Cost: Free

Laughter Workshop & Certified Laughter Yoga Leader Training
When: May 5-6, Sat 8:30-5:30, Sun 9:30-4pm
Where: Round Rock
Cost: Fee based certification training, $295

Austin Laughter Yoga Club – meets weekly
When: Sat 11am (led by Lynne West, Laughter Yoga Leader, [masked])
Where: Zilker Park, under the Big Shade Tree on the Robert E Lee side.

Sign up
Cost: Free

For more information on World Laughter Day, Public Laughter Sessions, Laughter Leader Trainings and Levity & Joy Coaching, please contact:
Carla H. Brown, Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher, Trainer, Speaker, Joy Coach
[masked] or
[address removed]